Multilingualism for a sustainable society

LTT (Learning, Teaching and Training) - Lamego
According to recent research, those who speak multiple languages have a comprehensive and holistic view of the world from two or more perspectives, allowing them to be more flexible in their way of thinking and learning to read more easily. They are people who prove to be better problem solvers, improve critical thinking skills and are able to better understanding and appreciate people from other countries, thus reducing racism, xenophobia and intolerance, since learning a new language usually brings with it a revelation of a new culture. With these assumptions and anchored in the three learning languages of this project, French, German and Spanish, the Erasmus + meeting, in Lamego (Portugal), at the Latino Coelho School Group, focused on two of the sustainable development objectives defined by the UN related to hunger and health and well-being. Between the 19th and 23rd of November, Swedish, German, Italian and Portuguese students and teachers from the Erasmus +, KA2 project, “Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society”, met and interacted in our Grouping of Schools and our region. The moments of reflection on the theme of the Sustainable

Development Goals, together with foreign languages that help them to understand and in school and in society, allowed, once again, the recognition of the importance of the transformation of the world and its sustainability for future generations.

In addition to workshops on two UN objectives, “Zero Hunger” and “Health and Wellness”, with presentations of reflections on these topics in French, Spanish and German, students and teachers went to UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) to interact with aspects related to science, three conferences were held with Professors from two University Institutions and another via skype with Professor Céline Hahlin from Lund University - Sweden.
Records, lesson plans and conclusions were drawn up, either by students or teachers of the project, which will appear on the eTwinning platform and the project website to be communicated to the European Commission.
We cannot end this testimony without leaving our thanks here to the Lamego City Council, which provided transport from European partners to UTAD, to the Lamego Museum, to the Caves da Raposeira, to CIMDOURO - Douro Sul Delegation, which provided its facilities to us: meetings, workshops and conferences. We would like to thank to the parents of students of the Grouping who received Erasmus + students so well in their homes and, finally, to the Direction of the Grouping of Schools Latino Coelho, always present in the activities and interaction with the students and teachers of this European mobility.