Multilingualism for a sustainable society

Erasmus Pus Project
This group is part of the Erasmus+ project "Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society". The project started 2017/09/15 and will run for 3 years. Partners are Gymnasieskolan Spyken in Lund, Sweden, Liceo Statale "G. Marconi" in Pescara, Italy, Erzbischöfliches St. Irmengard-Gymnasium in Garmisch- Partenkirchen, Germany and Agrupamento de Escolas Latino Coelho in Lamego, Portugal. This project also counted on the partnership of the Centre for Languages and Literature of Lund university.
Focus in the project is "The Other Languages", meaning other than English. The improvement of teaching and learning French, German and Spanish is the target. What motivates students in the study of languages? How can we as teachers improve and change our methods and ways of teaching to be sustainable in a digital era?
Let's learn from each other with the help of two researchers within the field of linguistic didactics, Céline Rocher Hahlin and Zoltan Dörnyei.
Here we will share ideas in language teaching.