Multilingualism for a sustainable society

LTT (Learning, Teaching and Training)
As an overall theme for the LTT activities we have chosen the UN agenda for 2030 and Sustainable development. We will have 6 LTT activities during 3 years, which means 2 per year. The themes/topics for each LTT has been decided together when creating the project. They are and come in the following order: 1/ Consumption and production goal 12 - 2/ Equality goals 5+10 - 3/ Healthy lives goals 2+3 - 4/ Cities and infrastructure goals 9 +11 - 5/ Energy goal 7 - 6/ Working life goal 8.
The partner school in charge of the LTT meeting organises the invitation of a lecturer in the didactics of language teaching or the UN agenda 2030 topic chosen for the LTT. The lecture will be in English as a lingua franca of the project. Visiting teachers and students will be invited, as well as teachers and students at the partner school with a possibility to invite other local schools.
The receiving partner school organises the workshop that will follow the lecture. Visiting teachers from partner schools and the organising partner school will in collaboration be active in the workshop to create lesson plans and activities for thematic teaching on the UN agenda 2030 topic for the particular LTT. The lessons and activities will be in all three languages, French, German and Spanish. They will be for in-classroom-activity and online-activity. Supervising the workshop, online or at the meeting, the partner at Lund university will be in charge to assist in formalising, structuring and evaluating the work process. The agenda for the meeting, including lecture, workshop, student activities and lessons, will be set by the partner school in charge and shared with the partners well in advance for feedback and preparation.
When teachers will be in workshops visiting students will go on a study visit in the area of the receiving partner school.
The lessons plans and activities will be published on the website for the project, by the team from Portugal who will be in charge of the website.
After the workshop visiting teachers from partner schools will test teaching the activities in classes of the organising partner school. In the classes there will be the visiting students as well. At the end of each activity an evaluation of the assignment will be carried out, among teachers and students. The purpose of the evaluation is to designate activities with good results in motivation and learning.
When partner school teams return home they will practice the outcome of the workshop in their own schools and classes. They will practice the lesson plans and activities with the partner schools using ICT, in order to develop online-teaching methods. The activities will be for all three languages on the website created for the purpose. Before the next meeting with lecture and workshop the partner schools evaluate the outcome of their work.
Responsible for the LTT activities will be the partner-school organising and receiving the other partners. The agenda will be shared with the partners beforehand.