Multilingualism for a sustainable society

The LICEO STATALE "GUGLIELMO MARCONI" is located in Pescara Portanuova (italy) and it enrolls students from all over the provinces of Pescara and Chieti. In all there are about 1500 students from 14 to 19 years old, about 130 teachers and 30 other staff employees work there.
Our school is divided into three different departments (Academic High School courses):
1.- “LICEO LINGUISTICO” (Linguistic Lyceum) is our most crowded department: students have to study at least three modern European languages choosing between English, French, German, Russian and Spanish, and classes also include a joint native-speaker conversation teacher once a week. Language stage courses, for one week, are organized every year in France, Germany, Ireland, Russia, United

Kingdom and Spain and we also organize students international cultural interchanges to allow our students to get in touch with other countries and cultures. They also study classic Latin in the first two years.
2.-“LICEO DELLE SCIENZE UMANE” (Human Sciences Lyceum) enables our students to get to know the main fields of inquiry of the Human Sciences, focusing on the various places where education takes place, the social services, and the world of work. It also brings them in contact with the main relational and communicative methodologies.
3.-“LICEO DELLE SCIENZE UMANE” (Economic/Social Option) specializes in subjects like law, economics and two foreign languages, enabling student to gain a grounding in contemporary social and economic issues.
4.-FACILITIES: Meeting Hall, Library, Laboratories (Language Lab, Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab, Biology Lab, Computer multimedia Lab), Video Projection room, Gym, Table tennis area, some Classrooms with LIM boards, a Lift for disabled people, car park area.
The entire school building is covered by Wi-Fi.
This Lyceum aims at fulfilling a role in the creation of a socially inclusive society. We want to ensure an open-minded human and cultural European formation, both detailed and flexible, well-balanced and effective through classical, modern and contemporary knowledge; to orientate our skills to social requirements and employment relationships in our territory, in developing networks with other schools, with local authorities, associations, universities and the productive world to help students in their future searching to fulfill their hopes for the future, to bring their abilities to maturity, and accept the challenge of team work, leadership, reliability and other responsibilities.
The agenda 2030 of the United Nations emerges as a political strategy in order to achieve achievable, sustainable and inclusive development and growth. The aim is to develop knowledge and innovation, achieving a greener and more efficient management of resources while remaining competitive economy. One of the priority is given to strengthening education to make this goal achievable.
In this context our Erasmus + KA2 project “Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society arises as a project whose protagonists will be students and teachers in secondary schools from four European countries with very different realities. For these reasons we intended to actively involve our students and teachers in European public policies in order to get a better Europe and a better world.
With this strategic partnership we aim to foster the development of innovating practices for education of foreign languages apart from English, it means we want to improve French, German and Spanish way of teaching and learning as well as the implementation of strategies that encourage cooperation, development and peer exchange strategy at European school level.
At the moment five modern languages are taught in the Liceo Statale “G. Marconi”: English is the main one, and then French, German, Spanish and Russian; all of them have classes with a mother tongue language teacher, too. In the afternoon, as extracurricular activities we organize courses in Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, drama in Italian and in the five foreign taught languages, courses for Foreign Language Certification, creative writing, and many others activities to give our students the possibility to improve their skills on foreign languages. So we immediately thought that this project was absolutely adapt to our school. In addition to serving and enriching the social, linguistic and cultural diversity of our school, Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society will try to find new approaches to face the new challenge of improving learning methodologies.
The Italian group is formed by a team of teachers and students who immediately believe in the project, accept the challenge and enrich it with their ideas and interests because they really want to become full-fledged European citizens. Studying and accepting to start and carry on this project our team agreed that we were going to build very useful tools thanks to the collaborative work of partners during the three years of implementation of the project and of course all the meetings on the chosen themes will be the ties that bind all countries. We also got to know the different transnational realities in different schools and seek solutions which will be reflected in our final product at the end.
As International meetings are an irreplaceable experience due to the exchange of ideas that is vital in the creative process, the organized travels served to overcome cultural barriers and reduce the differences between the partners while adapting linguistically and technically to the different realities of the visited countries.
With this partnership we aim to develop innovating practices, to work with digital technologies related to audiovisual communication (for communications and results), to achieve the promotion of the creativity of our students and encourage their love for learning, strengthen their will to learn, and create a cooperative atmosphere among all.
From the educational point of view, it is necessary the elaboration of good teaching approaches to fight for the Agenda 2030 of the UN with the aim of guaranteeing the access to education to all the students and allowing them to live with dignity and to participate actively in society. Education is neither the only cause of social exclusion nor the unique solution to the problem, but if we give support to schools that welcome students from difficult background, and if we teach them innovatively, offer training to teachers, facilitate the cooperation with other professionals and use appropriate resources, we can contribute to overcome social exclusion and reach our goals.
The Italian team met every time it was necessary to discuss, organize, plan, report, evaluate something we were asked to do. Considering our charge of implementation of the project activities we always aimed to be in line with we were expected to do and improve all the activites we were in charge of. For this reason we created a group on social networks and a mailing list. In the Italian meeting we discussed the items of each meeting showing to our partners the Italian way of facing this problem, our laws, our rules and our goals. We realised and showed our partners that in this field the Italian school is at the forefront in Europe.
The founding Italian group of our project included all experienced teachers in European projects. We had no problem in cooperating and communicating with the coordinator and other partners. We aimed to have an effective and speedy communication between the different country coordinators as we knew it
would be a key factor for the success of our partnership. This communication was made through different channels: email, Facebook, Etwinning, Whatsapp, etc.