Multilingualism for a sustainable society

LTT (Learning, Teaching and Training) - Lund
Multilingualism, motivation and autonomy - 21st century challengesMotivation is a dynamic force that involves social, affective and cognitive factors, manifested in desires, attitudes, expectations, interests, needs, values, pleasures and efforts. It is not fixed, varies widely throughout the year (or even during a classroom activity) and comes from various sources, internal and external to the student. Motivation varies over a period of time or stages throughout the acquisition process, which is not restricted to the educational context and is a necessary condition for autonomy. Autonomous students take advantage of the linguistic advantages in their environment and interact there with social practices of the second or third language. They reflect on their learning and use effective strategies to

achieve the proficiency they desire, according to the challenges posed by the school and the community in which they operate.
At this meeting in Lund - Sweden, at Spyken Secondary School - presentations were made by students from each European country involved (Sweden, Germany, Portugal and Italy) in which situations related to objectives 9 and 11 (Sustainable Development Goals) were inserted at the level of each city and school.

Other activities were developed, namely: interaction in the classroom, teaching classes to Swedish students previously planned by teachers, observation of classes and their reflection, socializing between students, teachers and families, conference at Lund University (one of the project partners who supervises classes, their planning and evaluation) on the importance of multilingualism in 21st century society, study visits to spaces about Swedish culture and its traditions and final reflections on the eTwinning platform on all aspects of the meeting.
The complicity between motivation, autonomy and identification of paths for the sustainability of the planet was present: i) using foreign languages, ii) addressing current topics in a world that is increasingly more sustainable and iv) selecting materials, procedures and training paths (autonomy), are crucial elements of the triad for knowledge of the world and insertion in active life.